How to Become an Airline Pilot

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An airline pilot is a trained and certified individual who controls a plane with passengers and/or cargo. Pilots follow the map accurately to reach the desired destination and have expertise in managing plane’s hydraulic and engine systems, for safety purposes before flying out.

Pre-requisites for Airline Training Recognition

To attain certification in piloting, potential persons must complete the required number of training hours (theory and practical). There is also a set standard for examination marks which one must achieve as it is evident in this image:

Also, you must be ready to handle all potential hazards, such as; jet lags, and adverse weather conditions. Besides, a future airline pilot should be flexible and prepared to spend most of their times traveling globally.

Airline Piloting Essentials

Some people may possess an inborn proficiency in piloting. However, to attain the airline pilot title, one must have a bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering or aviation. Despite the field of specialty, trainees must background training in courses like physics, English, and mathematics.

Importantly, an aspiring pilot should join an appropriate student club. Such membership helps to gain more knowledge about the aviation industry, and prepare a student pilot for future essential connections. It is also mandatory to finish a 2-month on-ground training and over 1500 hours of air practice.

You must demonstrate the capacity to operate an airplane computer perfectly and navigate systems correctly. Additionally, you need evident necessary skills such as:

  • Observation,
  • Problem-solving
  • Excellent communication
  • A strong in-depth perception

To understand more on the essentials of becoming an airline pilot, watch the youtube video in the link below which contains an expert advice:

To wrap it all, you must have a commercial piloting certification, plus possibly documentation for an instrument rating.

Advancement in Piloting

To advance as an airline pilot, you must attain a seniority level. By obtaining an airline pilot licensure, you demonstrate the ability and experience for both day and night airplane operations and flying international flights. There should also be evidence of obtaining the minimum required pass mark in both theory and practice for the advanced airline training examinations.

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At this stage, a pilot should have further flight ratings, which associates to the type of planes that you can fly.

Joining a Professional Body

There is added value in becoming a member of a professional pilot body. Such associations make possible the constant learning about industrial activities, trends, and changes. Some of the specific benefits include airline pilot access to pre-flight precautionary training lessons by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) through webcasts. Also, there are usually physical seminars on essential aspects such as safety measures, offered by pilot bodies like the IFALPA – International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations.